Thursday, August 2, 2012

ICE ICE Baby to go

As more and more people became involved and the news of our situation spread, we received an amazing phone call from our lawyer stating that the government official who initially dismissed and denied our case in San Antonio, "changed his mind" and approved our papers to stay! It was truly a miracle because things like this just don't happen. Our lawyer took the next step in filling out paperwork and now it was up to the Board of Immigration Office in Virginia to approve the motion to reopen the case which would reverse our deportation status and make it allowed for us to submit the paperwork to apply for the permanent residency or green card. We updated our status on FB and asked for new prayers and help to reach the national news so that the officials in DC would hear of our case and somehow it would change their minds too - like hearing our case on the Texas news changed the mind of the gentleman in San Antonio. How many of you know it doesn't happen the same way twice?  No matter how many people tried and tried to get our story to explode it just wouldn't. That's because we were leaning on our own understanding.  This scared us, but by this time we knew if God brought us this far, He wasn't going to quit yet and not allow us to get to the end.  We spoke to reporters on CNN even, our friends e-mailed the daily shows on each station, but as we prayed that only those doors which would be in our favor to open would, and none of the national news and shows came through, we knew there was a reason and it was to our benefit.

I remember going to the ICE office one Sunday afternoon, with our son in the stroller and walking around the building praying for our case, and praying for the hearts of the officers in charge. The security guard on duty came up to us asking what we were doing and when we told him, he looked at us like "I have no idea if I should let you do this or not, but I guess I will."  Dan was all ready to state his rights and all, but he didn't need to, thankfully. We prayed for a meeting coming up that Congressman Michael Burgess helped set up with ICE officials. We were scared, yet peaceful in our spirit that this meeting would help and not harm our situation.

As many stories in the immigration arena came out in the media, we received endless e-mails, phone calls, FB messages and such. The News media kept resurfacing our story in different lights, and we spent most of our days speaking to others about our situation. This was okay for me, since any down-time gave me more opportunity to doubt and speculate deportation. I rebuked those thoughts as much as could and looked for opportunities to get involved and serve.

When we met with the top ICE officials, I finally realized fully how this entire situation had very little if anything to do with us.  The officials were extremely polite and helpful, apologizing for the treatment we have received and assuring us that we would not get deported. I believed them, but just to be smart and not let my guard down, I continued my life as if anything could happen. I did not want to completely rely on someone's word, because as I have witnessed before, the individuals could lose their job, move away, or even change departments and the new personnel have no earthly idea about any verbal agreements, nor do they want to acknowledge or comply. So to eliminate any possible future let-downs, we kept our focus and continued working with our lawyer, the news media, and anyone who came into our path willing to help in any way. I realized that the ICE team was indeed - "just doing their job." They were instructed to apprehend the "bad guys" who weren't documented, and trained not to get personal. It was their 8-5. I saw again that America was not our enemy, that the officials (who even told us "We actually want people like you here!") were not our enemy. I saw each person as an individual and prayed for them and thought about what kind of life they live outside their job.  I saw the ICE offices and different departments struggling to stay connected between themselves, and grasped at how much more difficult it was for them to stay connected with every person who lives in this country. What a job! I know we have the means to document each individual now and why we don't do proficiently is as good a question for any corporation as it is for ICE.

Recently one of the news team reporters asked me what I thought about the two-year bill to keep the "Dreamers" (or kids whose parents brought them here at a young age, and we have gone to school here and created a life here, but cannot get legal citizenship). I am copying and pasting my response here - but as you read it you will tell - it was written as a reaction and quickly, so it's a bit strong.

As for the immigration stuff... I read and read about it but bottom line- the 2-yr. act means nothing. It's just prolonging what was to happen anyway. We were in this situation for many, many years and know it does not guarantee work authorization - as we got denied before, not understanding why, and that at any given point your name could be picked for arrest. I understand that during the two years, the kids would be safe, but right after they would be in the same boat. The two year period does not allow for them to do anything to push their case forward. If I were in charge :))) 

During the two years, the kids have the option to move forward with their case. They come to the immigration office and provide all necessary paperwork needed. If a lawyer is absolutely necessary as we always heard, make a clause of some sort that a specific sum is the cap, to avoid the kids (as we did) going for help from lawyer to lawyer and being denied, or asked to pay tens of thousands of dollars up front. The kids are looking forward and have hope that at the end of the two years, when all that was expected of them has been turned in, will receive permanent residency. The list could be paperwork, no felonies, knows English, can jump on one foot - whatever. But something achievable and written on paper as a sure step to the prize if the goal is reached. If they failed to comply, their case will be looked at on a case basis, and either they can restart the process or face deportation. Having worked for the citizenship will give them a sense of accomplishment, and erase the resentment many of us had. Instead of just handing out green cards (as many are against this anyway), steps a, b, and c must be taken during the two years and if one does them - he/she gets to stay. Many of the kids have families of their own who are citizens like in our case. It would make the most sense. This way, all the kids are documented, have complied, want to live here and make America their home permanently and on paper as it is in most of our hearts. The very small amount who does not comply would face the next steps. 

I think the biggest issue with us was money. I held a grudge because this was not taken care for me, and my parents did not work harder to make sure we can stay legally (of course not knowing the details). I felt shame because America did not accept us. I felt a sense of entitlement, that I should be a citizen because I had no choice in the matter. We all know, entitlement kills joy in our lives. Shame kills purpose. It's been an inward prison for many years that took an act of God to bring into light and expose, and ultimately fix. I have noticed that many Americans live with a sense of entitlement just because they are Americans. They have pride to be Americans, yet it was their ancestors who fought through hell to get them there. They are just taking advantage of something inherited. We have forgotten what it means to work for the right to be called Americans. We have taken it for granted. Maybe that's why it's been so easy to pass America away to the highest bidder. I hope that if new laws pass - or something like my proposal happens :) - it unites a whole new generation of immigrants - who came here as children, who are willing to fight once again to take this land back along with current citizens and bring back the fight for this land who is being picked apart by foreigners from foreign lands, not the ones who want to live here. It's not the minimum wage jobs that people are working in rain or shine at 110 degree weather to build our roads, and buildings that's the problem. It's not the businesses we want to open and provide jobs and boost our economy. It's the millions of jobs outsourced, the six-seven figure incomes being paid to foreigners overseas instead of providing training for well capable and willing citizens or those of us who want to be citizens. I'll stop for now... 

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